Choosing The Right Arrow Length (Easier Than You Think!)

Choosing The Right Arrow Length (Easier Than You Think!)

An essential process that beginner archers need to go through is choosing the right arrow length. If you’ve ever been to an archery store and witnessed the glory of thousands of arrows all lined up and ready for testing, you’ll already know that arrows,...
Why Do Olympic Archers Swing Their Bow?

Why Do Olympic Archers Swing Their Bow?

If you’re a fan of Olympic archery, you can’t avoid seeing the archers swing their bow after every shot they take. And you may even have thought that they are performing the swing as a little added flair just to look cool. This misconception, however,...
10 Beginner Archer Mistakes…And How To Avoid Them!

10 Beginner Archer Mistakes…And How To Avoid Them!

Getting started in archery can be a daunting challenge for some. When learning any new skill, it can take some time for people’s bodies to adapt to new movement patterns. But don’t worry, even the pros can be just as guilty of making some of these beginner...
Archery: What Is A Beginner Bow?

Archery: What Is A Beginner Bow?

When starting out in archery, the most commonly asked question is, what is a beginner bow? It’s a perfectly normal question, but one that comes from a place of misunderstanding. When starting out in any sport, the immediate assumption for beginners is that they...
Archery: How To Choose Your First Bow?

Archery: How To Choose Your First Bow?

So you’re interested in getting into archery. It may be because you’ve just watched all three Hunger Games movies, or you’ve binge-watched every season of Arrow. But how do you choose your first bow? Whatever the reason, in order to shoot arrows,...