Archery Exercises To Increase Draw Weight

by | Dec 12, 2023

The best archery exercises to increase draw weight focus on building the major muscle groups of the back and core muscles that are needed to pull progressively heavier weight under control.

Archery, an art as ancient as it is modern, requires not just skill but also physical strength, particularly in the realm of draw weight. Increasing your draw weight is crucial for advancing in archery, be it for competitive shooting or simply enhancing your recreational experience.

Designed for archers at different skill levels, these exercises range from basic to advanced, ensuring a well-rounded approach to increasing draw strength.

Understanding Draw Weight in Archery

Draw weight, the force required to pull the bowstring back to its full extent, is a fundamental aspect of archery. It’s not just about the ability to draw the bow but also about how it influences the flight of the arrow and overall shooting accuracy.

A higher draw weight typically translates to more power behind each shot, making it a crucial factor for archers aiming to shoot at greater distances or with more force.

However, increasing draw weight isn’t merely about selecting a bow with heavier poundage. It involves a gradual process of strengthening the muscles responsible for drawing and holding the bow, ensuring that the increase in draw weight doesn’t come at the cost of precision or control.

Engaging in specific archery exercises to increase draw weight will help in this regard, focusing on enhancing strength and endurance in key muscle groups.

Archery Exercises To Increase Draw Weight

Preparing for Increased Draw Weight: Safety and Basics

Before beginning any exercises to increase draw weight, understanding and respecting the basics of archery safety is paramount.

Every archer, whether a novice or seasoned, should prioritize proper form and technique.

This not only prevents injuries but also ensures efficiency in each movement. For those new to increasing draw weight, it’s advisable to start with a manageable weight and gradually build up.

It’s also essential to warm up before any exercise routine, focusing on stretching the major muscles used in archery, such as the shoulders, back, and arms.

Remember, the goal is to build strength safely and effectively, allowing you to draw a heavier bow with ease over time.

Strengthening the Muscles Involved in Drawing a Bow

Back Strength

Strengthening the back muscles are crucial for archers looking to increase their draw weight. Exercises like pull-ups and rowing exercises are excellent for building the necessary strength.

1. Pull-Ups

For pull-ups, start in a hanging position with your palms facing away from you, shoulder-width apart. Pull yourself up until your chin is over the bar, engaging your back and shoulder muscles. Lower yourself down under control.

2. Dumb Bell Rows

Dumb Bell or barbell rows, on the other hand, are done by holding a dumbbell in each hand at your side, hinging forward until your upper body is parallel to the ground and then pulling the dumbbells back up into your hips in a rowing motion.

Other back exercises to build strength:

Bent Over Rows
Seated Cable Rows
Single Arm Dumbbell Rows

Archery Exercises To Increase Draw Weight

Shoulder Strength

For archery, having strong forearms and shoulders is as vital as having a strong back. Exercises like dumbbell lateral raises and forearm planks are specifically beneficial.

1. Lateral Raises

In lateral raises, hold a dumbbell in each hand and lift the weights out to the side of your body, keeping a slight bend in your elbows and raising your arms until they’re parallel to the floor.

2. Rear Delt Flyes

You can do this standing or sitting; with either dumbbells, a cable machine or resistance bands. For the standing version, stand tall, holding either a resistance band or cables out in front of you at shoulder height. Draw your hands wide and back, as if you’re trying to touch the walls on either side of the room. You should feel your rear delts contract.

Other shoulder exercises for building strength:

Military Press (barbell or dumbbell)
Cable Face Pulls

This exercise works the shoulder muscles, essential for maintaining a stable draw.

Consistently practicing these exercises will not only enhance your draw strength but also contribute to better control and stability while shooting.

Related: What Muscles Does Archery Work?

Core Strength

Core strength and stability are vital in archery, forming the foundation for proper form and effective shooting. A strong core aids in maintaining balance and stability during the draw and release phases, ensuring more accurate and consistent shots.

It’s not just about the power to pull the string; core muscles play a crucial role in controlling movement and stabilizing the upper body.

This stability is particularly important when holding the full draw, as it prevents unwanted movements that can disrupt aim.

Additionally, a well-conditioned core reduces the risk of injury by supporting the spine and surrounding muscles, allowing archers to practice longer and more effectively.

In essence, a robust core is as essential as a steady hand in archery, making it a key area of focus for any archer looking to improve their performance.

1. Forearm Planks

Planking, or any kind of stabilisation work is perfect for archers. You can progress a plank in many ways, but the easiest way to start is on your knees with forearms flat on the ground with your shoulders over your elbows.

Make sure you’re pushing down through the forearms and spreading your shoulders apart. Then tuck your tailbone under and flatten your back out. You need to bring your belly button up into your spine to create that ‘brace’ effect.

Hold for 30-60secs.

2. Hollow Body Holds

This is another static, bracing exercise that works your entire core. Lying on your back, bring your knees up into your chest. Then, while keeping your lower back pressed firmly into the ground, brace your core, and extend your arms and legs out.

Only go as far as you can keep your back on the floor. The insides of your arms should be level with your ears. Your legs are locked straight out.

Hold for 30-60 secs.

Developing a Workout Routine for Archers

A well-structured workout routine is key for archers aiming to increase draw weight. This routine should include a blend of strength and conditioning exercises that focus on the upper body, core, and forearm muscles.

Start with exercises that build foundational strength, like dumbbell curls for forearm strength and cable rows for back muscles.

Gradually include more archery-specific exercises like bow-drawing simulations using a resistance band. Maintaining a balance is essential; while focusing on increasing draw weight, overall physical fitness should not be neglected.

Aim for a routine that you can perform consistently, integrating 3 sets of each exercise, and gradually increasing the intensity as your strength improves.

Exercises To Increase Draw Weight

Sample Strength Building Routine

Below is a sample workout routine that focuses on the major muscles involved in archery. Give it a try!

Day of the WeekExerciseSetsRepsNotes
MondayPull-Ups38-10Focus on back and shoulder muscles
Dumbbell Lateral Raises310-12Strengthen shoulder stability
Cable Rows38-10Target back muscles, especially rhomboids
WednesdayPush-Ups310-15Builds upper body and core strength
Forearm Planks330-60sImprove forearm and core stability
Bent-Over Rows310-12Focus on upper back and latissimus dorsi
FridayResistance Band Bow Pulls38-10Simulates drawing a bow
Forearm Curls312-15Strengthens forearm muscles
Shoulder Press310-12Enhances overall shoulder strength

Additional Notes:
Rest: Ensure to rest for about 60 seconds between each set.
Form: Maintain proper form throughout all exercises to prevent injury and maximize effectiveness.
Progression: Gradually increase the weight or resistance as you get stronger, but focus on maintaining good form.

This routine aims to balance the development of muscle strength and endurance, which are crucial for increasing draw weight in archery.

Remember to listen to your body and adjust the routine as necessary, based on your individual fitness level and archery goals.

Advanced Techniques to Increase Your Draw Weight

Progressing to Heavier Draw Weights

As you gain strength and confidence in your abilities, you can begin to explore heavier draw weights. This transition should be gradual to avoid injury.

One effective way is to use a weight that’s slightly heavier than your current draw weight and practice holding it at full draw for extended periods.

This helps in conditioning the muscles to the new weight, making the transition smoother. Remember, it’s not just about being able to pull the string back; you also need to hold and stabilize the bow for accurate shooting.

Incorporating Resistance Training in Archery Training

Resistance training plays a significant role in increasing draw weight. Exercises like lateral raises, cable rows, and bent-over rows are particularly effective.

They not only strengthen the back and shoulder muscles but also improve overall muscle endurance. Using resistance bands to simulate the action of drawing a bow is another excellent method.

This specific exercise helps in targeting the exact muscles used during archery, providing a more focused training approach.

Remember, the goal is to build strength in a way that directly translates to better performance in archery.

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

In the quest to increase draw weight, archers often encounter a few common pitfalls. Being aware of these can significantly improve your training effectiveness:

  1. Ignoring Proper Form: Always prioritize form over the amount of weight. Improper form not only leads to ineffective training but also increases the risk of injury.
  2. Rushing the Process: Increasing draw weight is a gradual process. Avoid the temptation to progress too quickly, which can lead to strain and setbacks.

Avoiding these mistakes is crucial. Ensure you’re progressing at a pace that’s right for your body, and always focus on maintaining correct form.

Related: Is Archery Bad For Your Shoulder?

Measuring Progress in Increasing Draw Weight

Keeping track of your progress is essential in any fitness journey, and archery is no different. Here’s a simple way to monitor your advancement:

  • Set Baseline Metrics: Note your starting draw weight and how comfortably you can draw and hold it.
  • Regular Check-Ins: Periodically test your ability to draw a heavier weight. Note improvements in strength, control, and endurance.

By regularly assessing your progress, you can make informed adjustments to your training routine, ensuring continuous improvement in your archery skills.


What are the best exercises to increase draw weight in archery?

Key exercises include pull-ups, push-ups, dumbbell lateral raises, forearm planks, and cable rows. These exercises strengthen the muscles involved in drawing and holding a bow.

How often should I train to increase my draw weight?

A balanced workout routine 3-4 times a week is recommended. This allows adequate time for muscle recovery and growth.

Can I increase my draw weight quickly?

It’s important to increase draw weight gradually to prevent injuries. A steady and consistent approach yields the best long-term results.

Can specific diet changes aid in increasing draw weight?

Yes, a balanced diet rich in protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates can support muscle growth and recovery, essential for increasing draw weight. Protein-rich foods like lean meats, legumes, and dairy products are particularly important for muscle repair and growth.

Is it beneficial to cross-train with other sports while trying to increase draw weight?

Activities like swimming, rock climbing, or even yoga can improve your overall fitness, flexibility, and core strength, all of which are beneficial for archery. These activities can also help prevent overuse injuries by varying your exercise routine and using different muscle groups.


Focusing on archery exercises to increase draw weight combines discipline, a structured strength training routine, and a deep understanding of the sport.

Remember, the key to success in increasing draw weight lies in consistent practice, maintaining proper form, and gradually building strength.

Embrace each stage of your training, from mastering basic exercises like push-ups and planks to advancing to more specific workouts like resistance band bow pulls.

Keep in mind that progress takes time and patience, and it’s crucial to listen to your body to avoid overtraining or injury.

As you incorporate these exercises into your routine, you’ll not only improve your ability to draw heavier weights but also enhance your overall performance in archery.

With dedication and the right approach, you’ll find yourself shooting with more power and precision, enjoying the sport even more.